Community Counseling Clinic

Proudly Serving the Portland Metro Area;

the ancestral home of the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla, Cowlitz, Tumwater, Watlala Chinook, and many nations of the Nch'i Wána.

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"Remembering our ancestors"

We provide symptom management strategies, assistance in accessing and applying for social benefits, guidance for veterans who are navigating the VA, and more supportive services.

What We Do and Why We Do It

Mental health support is not a privilege, it is a right.

We desire to provide supports to our communities using evidence-based coping skills workshops and education on mental illness. Recovery is possible for anyone.

Recovery is personal. Person-Centered support is the only reasonable approach to recovery. With this comes a stringent support for harm and risk reduction practices. At the end of the day, all of us just want to make it to tomorrow. How we do so is for each of us to decide.

None of us are less because of our struggles. We are determined to dismantle the societal stigma associated with mental health diagnoses. We continuously work to improve our approach with anti-ableism in mind.

We are advocates with tools to assist you in accomplishing your goals.

We are culturally aware, and come from a diverse range of backgrounds. Trauma-informed compassion is one of our cornerstones. Trauma comes in many forms, and affects everyone differently.

We strive to maintain a Housing-First philosophy of care. What this means is that we recognize that recovery requires a stable foundation. We want to help our communities with the awareness of and access to support resources for housing, food and sustenance, and everything they need to best support their personal recovery path.

We are founded on the premises of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). These foundations mean that we recognize our recovery will be more difficult if we don't accept our struggle as a part of who we are. That this doesn't make us less, instead it makes us MORE! We believe that we can gain strength from our struggles and that recovery is possible for everyone.

Coping Skills

Coping skills are a great way to manage symptoms


Looking for a therapist? Confused by benefits? We want to help you connect.

Healthy Sleep

Sleep is essential to managing symptoms. Learn how to support your sleep habits.

Grounding and Mindfulness Tools

Staying in the moment and responding instead of reacting is hard. Let us help.

Vocational Skills

We want to help you find your passion in life, and help you turn it into stability in life.

Housing and Financial

We can help you find or maintain stable housing. Financial benefits guidance available.

The crisis line can provide referrals to the Crisis Assessment and Treatment Center (CATC). This treatment center is a residential environment for adults 18+ experiencing a mental or behavioral health crisis.

We recommend alternative crisis lines for those not seeking a referral to institutional care.


Contact for inquiries related to the project or check out our FAQs.