Sleep Hygiene

The resources below are meant to normalize mental illness, and provide options for managing symptoms when finding support may be difficult for any reason.


The materials presented here are not intended to be diagnostic tools, nor intended to serve as treatment. We provide management tools and basic counseling. We will do everything we can to connect you to a therapist or other clinical provider.

What is sleep hygiene, anyway? Am I changing my sheets every night? Clean PJs? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!

Sleep hygiene is simply practicing habits that facilitate healthy and refreshing sleep. Everyone has a different Circadian Rhythm; that part of our brains that determines when we are sleepy and when we are awake. Habits that promote this, or help us adapt our Circadian Rhythm to our schedules, can be difficult and take commitment. Once established, they will be as natural as any routine.

Remember, it is normal and expected to make mistakes and slip up. To paraphrase Einstein; mistakes are just ways to learn how not to do something.

Something that can help is to remember that everyone has a different Circadian Rhythm. Research has shown that some people naturally gravitate to non-traditional sleeping patterns. For instance, one study in particular discovered that many people with ADHD tend to have a Circadian Rhythm that starts several hours later than those without ADHD.

Unfortunately, not all of us have the freedom to arrange our schedules around our sleep patterns. Gradually adapting our sleep schedule to accommodate our waking schedule can promote forming a consistent routine. Trying to shift sleeping patterns abruptly may have a negative impact on emotional, as well as physical, health.

Melatonin is a common sleep aid used by many people to help them sleep. Please be mindful when using sleep aids. Our bodies generate melatonin naturally. When our eyes are closed, signals are sent to our brain that start shifting hormonal balances to promote sleep. Introducing too much melatonin has been shown to have negative effects.

Source article pending. Pay-wall barriers to overcome.

Sleep is important because.....

(There will eventually be embedded hyperlinks to educational resources. Bear with us as we continue to grow.)

Here are a few strategies that may promote healthy, refreshing, energizing, and relaxing sleep.....

(Bear with us as we determine how best to approach this section.)

Finding the habits that work best is a challenge, but can also be fun. Sometimes, making a game out of habits can help them become muscle memory. If a strategy feels like it will work, but is hard; please try to keep with it. We can help you find a plan that may help ease things.