A few commonly asked questions are included in this section.
Please, do not hesitate in reaching out with any questions that you may have.
What Information will volunteers need from me?
It is dependent on services requested and comfort level. For behavioral health inquiries, we will need to know:
Your goals
What hasn't worked
For coping skills, we will need to know:
The symptom you are addressing. Some skills have been shown to be more effective than others for some symptoms.
What doesn't work for you.
Most frequently, we will practice some skills together and discuss how to personalize skills to fit the individual.
For case management, we will need to know:
Your needs
What resources you have already requested
No personal information is required, desired, or sought after. You do not even need to give us a legal name. All we need to know are what goals you have and the supports you are looking for.
For assistance evaluating program eligibility, we will work together to understand the requirements for individual programs. Individuals can then, after finishing the eligibility review, simply say whether they qualify or not.
We do not need or want to know anything beyond that.
What does QMHA mean?
QMHA stands for Qualified Mental Health Associate, where QMHP is a Professional. QMHA are usually Bachelor's level graduates, while QMHP are clinical providers with at least a Master's.
Both QMHA and QMHP are credentialed through MHACBO - the Mental Health Accreditation and Certification Board of Oregon. Licensed providers can be searched for by name.
Search results will yield our licensure date, status, and any ethical inquiries that the provider has been involved in.
What do QMHA do?
QMHA participate in the treatment and case management of individuals receiving supportive care.
QMHA facilitate treatment plans created by clinical providers. We can help create behavioral health plans, connect clients to resources, and teach coping skills. We can also offer crisis intervention and mitigation services, and many more person-centered support services.
Who provides oversight for PDX-QMHA?
We are in constant communication and consultation with clinical providers throughout the Portland area, as well as Oregon as a whole. We also strive to gain insight, direction, and advice from our marginalized and under-served communities. PDX-QMHA strives to maintain the highest ethical and professional standards of care.
Joe takes ethics and integrity seriously, and will not tolerate any unethical practices. They regularly communicate with experienced professionals to ensure we our operating within our limitations and making full use of our abilities.
What is SPMI?
SPMI stands for Severe and Persistent Mental Illness. SPMI refers to chronic conditions that have a negative impact on an individual's quality of life, and cause an individual distress.
SPMI can include schizo-typal diagnoses, mood disorders, PTSD, developmental and social disorders, among other conditions. Really, any illness that leads to a chronic negative impact on a person's life can be defined as SPMI.
What is Case Management?
Case management refers to the individualization of services to meet a person's unique personality, capabilities, mental processes, needs, and more that are a part of person-centered care.
Case management most frequently consists of serving as a liaison to access public resources and aid. Additional services may include teaching and practicing symptom management, promoting independent living skills, providing psychoeducation, and more.
Case managers are, typically, not clinical and are not permitted or certified to perform therapy, diagnose, or draft treatment plans. Case managers and QMHA providers supplement and facilitate clinical care.
How is PDX-QMHA funded?
This project is self-started and self-funded. The services we provide require little in the way of financial considerations. What costs are associated with this project come from personal assets.
Communities are welcome to contribute material donations; such as food, canopies, masks, etc. We will not solicit donations.
Cash and financial donations will likely never be accepted. Our resources and consultation services are completely free. This project was created because we care; not for financial gain.
If costs become too overwhelming for personal funding, a transparent donation system will be established to account for every cent that may be donated.
PDX-QMHA never has been, and never will be, an official agency or corporation. Monetary donations that exceed immediate needs to facilitate outreach services will always be redistributed to those in need.
What are your partnerships?
We most likely will never have any official partnerships. Any collaboration is entirely situational.
Consultation on ethics and legality do not constitute a partnership with any agency or individual.
Why do you support capitalism with your vocational resources?
We don't. Money just happens to be what is necessary for survival in today's society. Hopefully we can challenge this system to be healthier for everyone.
What is a frequently asked question?
Here is where you can write the answer to that question.