Clinic Overview

Services offered by the Community Counseling Clinic may vary depending on volunteer availability.

Clinics may be held once a month, and will rotate neighborhoods within Portland to accommodate those who use alternative transportation. We would like to increase the frequency of clinics in the future, but we will need volunteers to do so.


Currently, clinics are facilitated by one individual. This limits our capabilities to plan, facilitate, and execute clinics.

  • Coping skills workshops where we teach and practice effective coping strategies to manage many mental health symptoms. These skills are rooted in Mindfulness practices.

  • A group therapeutic activity of some sort. Whether this is an art workshop, music performance, or some other evidence-based activity that promotes mental health, community, and personal growth.

  • Assistance in connecting to mental health resources. We can assist in connecting to substance use supports, mental health treatment resources, housing resources, and more support systems.

  • Assistance in understanding, applying for, and advocating for benefits such as SNAP, WIC, SSDI, VA issues, OHP, and more.

  • Vocational support resources to assist community members in discovering, fueling, honing, and practicing their passions.

  • Crisis management and intervention services as needed.